Good Tree Ministry, International Fellowship
from the desk of;
Pastor Wm. Hodge


Glory to God!!! Revelation after revelation. As we hunger for more of Him in our lives He is faithful to provide. Just keep knocking and knocking and knocking, He will answer.

The 18th of October proved to be a move of God in the right direction for the city of Lansing. Testimony after testimony came in from all over town as to the awesomeness of the move of the Holy Spirit at the prayer stations. Prayer captains from all over Lansing called in reports of answered prayers, healings, salvations, and deliverences. This is what happens when the rightousness of God shows up and puts their faith to work.

South Lansing Christian Church reported an awesome outpouring of the Spirit as they took over three corners. Pastor Gary responded with a praise report shortly after the 18th and advised me that they are going back out on the 15th of November to do this again. The Jackson and Lansing Chapter of the Christian Motorcycle Assoc., took the entire downtown area and were busy praying over the capital area. Our team took over five corners to include the area beside Dejavu in south Lansing. The pastors in the north Lansing area witnessed a salvation and healing of a distressed man and wife and then later remarried them in Christ right out on the street corner.

My heart goes out to all those who answered the call that evening. We will not let down now that we have the enemy on the run. We will be at the State Capital November first as well as our north location and continue the prayer battle for this city.

Pastor Jack Yeager of Warrior Ministries from Carrolton, Mi. brought up his team from down near the Ohio border. He believes that when Lansing is won for the Lord so goes the State. He believes that by investing ministry time here in our capital area, it will help ensure a greater success for the south east area of Michigan.

My heart soars thinking how the prophetic words spoken so many times over Lansing are now coming to bare fruit.

I spoke with Pastor Fred McGlone of New Covenant Church the other day about the street ministry and how the Lord has stationed us at certain locations and then keeps us there. We are not to move from the prayer location but stay stationary so that when people do come up for prayer, we understand that God has brought them. This is not to say that door to door evangelism is not important but the prayer stations are another tool to take back the highway and byways of our city.

I believe there are a few areas we as deliverance ministers need to be focused on in our ministries and develop according to Gods' plan. We need to be a presence within our community, united on all fronts, (prayer stations), we need to claim our neighborhoods for Christ, (prayer walking), follow through with specific prayers for our neighbors, (door knocking), and get the word out there, (street evangelism), and last but not least, follow up on all conversions or rededications to Christ by refering to local churches willing to disciple those we can't.

Sounds pretty simple? It is. We will not see the Body of Christ move effectively in any of these ventures until we start dealing with the enemy on a more aggressive level. We have to understand the principalities that hinder all Christians in this city. We need to take a greater stance on commanding these dogs (demons) to leave our lives and our congregations. If we have the power and right to send Satan packing we certainly have the power and greater right to send these lesser demons on their way to the abyss.

We have discerned over the past years the principalities of darkness that have held our city in bondage. It is our job to expose them for what they are and to take responsibility for their removal. Any wise General of any army knows that it is important to understand and know your enemy in order to conquer them. In order to be delivered from the bondages of the enemy you need to understand why such a bondage exists in your life. I love the verse found in the 5th Chapter of Galations verse 1; "Therefore, stand fast in the liberty that you have through Christ Jesus, and be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage."

We as street ministers have dealt with quite a few of these barking dogs over the last three years out on Lansings' street corners. Let me share with you some of their names so you can war more effectively.

Jezebel and Ahab spirits, spirits of destruction, spirits of fear, unbelief, deaf, dumb, and stupid. spirits of false religion, perversion or unclean spirits, addictions, rejection, suicide, witchcraft, retaliation, lies, legion or many demons in a person.

These demons are ruled by principalities and overseen by various strongmen such as: Jezebel, Ahab, Destruction, Fear, Unbelief, Perversion, False Religion, and Hate. According to the written word found in John 10:10, Jesus tells us Satans' plan for our lives and how he is going to attack us, "the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy." These demons and principalities have been around for quite awile I'm afraid. We have also discerned the fact while in prayer and training at Pray America, that our churches have been lulled to sleep by these spirits, especially the spirit of unbelief We need to wake up. Sound the Shofar!!!!

Some would argue with me as to the condition of the church in Lansing, but I simply reply; "have all been saved, have all been healed?"

We are the rightousness of Christ and need to keep telling ourselves this fact. We can do all things through Christ Jesus. ALL THINGS!

We are doing a study in James this next month, learning how to excercise our faith and do the works Christ has planned for us. "Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." (James 1:22)

Another important revelation while in prayer and while studying on the stronghold of the spirit of unbelief, is that when you take authority over these demons, before sending them to the abyss, make sure they pay a tribute back to the kingdom of God and to your ministry. Jesus says that the children of God are not to pay tribute but that the strangers that are in their land are too. (Matthew 17:24-27) and as I made mention before that demons like to come into our land only to steal, kill, or destroy. We feel the reason God doesn't just pour out His riches on us like we would like Him to, is due to us letting the enemy take it away from us as soon as we get it. A good example of this is found in Genesis, when Adam gave his authority, his gift from God to Satan. This has continued ever sense. Praise God that He went and got our rights back through His sacrifice on the cross.

Being accountable to each other is truly the basis of our victory over the enemies schemes for our lives. We need to continue to uncover his plots that keep our minds off the finish line. (Psalms chapters; 17:12 * 59: 1 & 6 * 140, and James chapter 5:16)

I am interested in establishing a men's accoutability gathering again at my house on Tuesday or Thursday evenings. A month ago the Lord put on my heart to organize and maintain a gathering of men to assist them in recognizing the enemy of their soul and how to maintain victory over this foe. Of course I too need this assurance and understand that when we as men are united on this front we are able to encourage and war for one another. My brother in Christ and fellow minister, John Wawrziniak has been a great inspiration to me in this area. Another aspect of this type of ministry is to war against the enemy of our families and on behalf of our communities. We need to gather, seek His face, pray, confess, comand, claim, and be strengthened.

The 18th of October put the enemy on the run, let's finish the task, stay in the fight, minister to the wounded, get them back in the battle quickly so that God will finish the transformation of this capital city.

Please keep Pray America in your prayers, especially in the area of the 24 hour prayer room (the Tabernacle of David), and the possibility of establishing a training session for deliverence ministers for our city area once a month. Also to those who did go out on the 18th, that they would desire to continue in this powerful move of the Holy Spirit.

There is so much more that I would love to share with everyone, but I will close for now.

What we are claiming and speaking this season for ourselves is; "No More" to the enemy, I am "Free to Serve" the Lord Jesus, for we are "His Rightousness!"

"For such a time as this!"

In His eternal service and in His love,

Bill Hodge
Chaplain and Sr. Pastor
Good Tree Ministry, International Fellowship